• 7 CS infrastructure team completes base network upgrade

    DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – The 7th Communications Squadron infrastructure team completed a base-wide network improvement at Dyess Air Force Base, May 24, 2024.During the planning phase, the infrastructure team worked with Air Force Global Strike Command for over three months to procure almost

  • Operations in Action: Meet the 7th OG

    U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. David Matthews, 7th Operations Support Squadron radar, airfield and weather systems supervisor, right, briefs Col. Brandon Parker, 7th Bomb Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Eric Dugger, 7th BW command chief, on the state of the Ground Air Transmit Receive site during

  • 4 Dyess aircrew earn Distinguished Flying Cross Medals

    The Air Force Global Strike Command commander presented a Distinguished Flying Cross July 13 at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, to each of the B-1B Lancer aircrew members who experienced an in-flight emergency in May.   Gen. Robin Rand, AFGSC commander, presented Distinguished Flying Cross medals to

  • Sky is the limit with Eyes Above the Horizon

    The 317th Airlift Wing and 7th Bomb Wing held a public outreach event, Eyes Above the Horizon, for approximately 120 local students at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, May 5, 2018, Eyes Above the Horizon was originally created by Legacy Flight Academy, which is a nonprofit organization ran by U.S.