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Brothers in Arms

  • Published
  • By Airman 1st Class Emma Anderson
  • 7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs

"When I first got here, people kept thinking I was Francisco,” said Tech. Sgt. Luis Garrigas. “'I need to talk to Garrigas.' I would always say, 'Well, which one?'"

Luis works within the 7th Equipment Maintenance Squadron as the assistant first sergeant, meanwhile his brother, Master Sgt. Francisco Garrigas, works within the 7th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron as the support section chief. Both brothers have a primary career in nondestructive inspection.

The brothers came from a military background with their father being in the U.S. Air Force. They traveled together keeping the family whole. Some of their childhood was spent overseas in the United Kingdom and Spain, but mostly in Melbourne, Florida.

Being in a military family includes many sacrifices and trying situations. Growing up, they had a tight-knit family but later, the Garrigas' parents divorced. While the separation was happening however, the brothers remained together the whole time. They expressed that no matter where they lived, they always had each other's back, and family took priority.

"It was just us,” said Luis. “It was always him and I. We did everything together, no matter what."

Francisco enlisted in the Air Force after completing high school. He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, serving his country. Luis did the same three years after completing high school, college and working various jobs. His family's service influenced him and he was searching for meaningful work. Both brothers ended up in the same career field.

While being stationed in different places, the brothers always remained in contact.

"We always knew that no matter what was happening, we always had each other,” said Francisco. “I could always talk to him and reach out at any point. Likewise, for him, he always knew that I was just a phone call away. No matter how far apart we were, we always knew it would be the two of us."

Francisco got orders to Dyess and has been stationed here for seven years. After having other assignments, Luis got orders to Dyess and has been stationed here for almost a year.

“I can go to him for the military side of things, professional help, ideas and such, but then I can also flip the switch and that’s my brother,” said Luis.

Both brothers expressed gratitude for the odds that brought them to the same base. They explained that siblings' chances of being stationed together are small, especially within the same career field.

Luis now gets to watch Francisco's children grow and engage in their lives, away from a screen. Francisco explained that being stationed together has allowed them to keep the bond they've always had and strengthen it. They grant advice and support to each other throughout trials and accomplishments.

"Dyess has been a godsend,” said Francisco. “This community is so supportive of the military that it's rare. Ultimately, it brought the two of us together. It's unheard of for siblings to be stationed in the same place, let alone the same career field, following each other's paths. To have him here and to be a part of it, making the differences he is making, and being a part of my kids' lives. I love Abilene and Dyess for allowing us to come back together and be a family."