DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- With the fiscal year of 2022 closing on Sept. 30, 2022, for the U.S. Air Force, the 7th Comptroller Squadron and 7th Contracting Squadron at Dyess Air Force Base, Texas are working together to get funded money awarded for the next fiscal year.
“Our goal is to ensure the base gets what it needs to operate as efficient as possible while maintaining legal integrity and proper distribution of those funds,” said Maj. Cesar Jesus, 7th CPTS commander. “Both squadrons work together simultaneously to bring the end user the desired products while being good stewards of the taxpayer’s money. We not only work with each other but also with the technical experts in the units and their Resource Advisor.”
While the finance office provides funding and ensures that the correct amount of money goes towards the proper funds, the contracting office collects the pricing, negotiates, and awards contracts with vendors.
“Without the two squadron’s close collaboration, we cannot succeed,” said Maj. Brett Burdyshaw, 7th CONS commander. “Without funding, CONS can’t award any contracts, but without us, CPTS can’t spend any money. We are a check and balance system to ensure taxpayers’ money is being spent responsibly and appropriately.”
The U.S. Air Force has requested a budget of approximately $169.5B for the fiscal year of 2023, a $13.2B increase from the fiscal year 2022 request. With the cut of money that Team Dyess receives form this budget, the two squadrons work relentlessly to ensure the base receives the max amount of support in funds for the upcoming year.
“There are many types of funding here at Dyess,” said Jesus. “We have operations and maintenance which is our main pot of money. There is also housing, Defense Health Agency (Medical), flying hour funds and more.”
Burdyshaw mentioned that any additional funding would be allocated in line with their unfunded requirements list, with each squadron submitting requirements and then the Groups prioritized, finally being submitted to the Wing for final adjudication and prioritization. Many of these requirements are quality of life improvements for Airmen, as well as much needed infrastructure upgrades. Some current projects they are working towards awarding are new sky lights, flooring and renovated bathrooms at the fitness center. The base was also awarded almost $18M in construction projects for both airfield and street paving, as well as multiple roof repairs for buildings across the installation.
Not only has the base received funds through the U.S. Air Force but also through the aid of community partners with renovations around the exterior of the base.
“Our community partners have been outstanding,” said Burdyshaw. “The new Visitor Control Center at Arnold Gate and the Museum Park was paid for by our community partners. A project that is currently in the works is upgraded flight line gates, which will be a cost share between the State of Texas, City of Abilene and Dyess AFB.”
With the amount of funds needed to support the base, 7th CONS and 7th CPTS can run into some challenges leading up to the close out of the fiscal year.
“The time crunch and pressure that, if we do not get funding awarded by 30 September, is the biggest challenge; we lose that funding back to Congress and it may impact our future allotments,” said Burdyshaw. “Additionally, it’s all the prep work in the lead up to the end of the fiscal year, to ensure we are postured to execute any additional funds that may be sent to us. We must have requirements already defined, quotes from vendors already received, and be ready to award a contract; sometimes within hours of receiving notice of funding availability.”
Although this time of the year can be stressful for 7th CPTS and 7th CONS, they are able to maintain morale for their Airmen and personnel through their end of fiscal year tradition.
“We usually work late nights, and on September 30th, it’s pretty routine every year that we’ll be in the Squadron past midnight,” said Burdyshaw. “A tradition here at Dyess is the Chaplain’s office delivers dinner to both CONS and CPTS on September 30th, so we owe a huge thanks to the chapel team!”
Lastly, for Team Dyess Airmen in need of the finance office: customer service is available from Tuesday to Wednesday for walk-ins during 0800-1200. The new Welcome Center is also open for new base members Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, from 1330-1530. All other finance customer service needs can be sent through the Air Force Comptroller Service Portal, which is available 24/7.
“Although we do not turn a wrench, drop a bomb, or plan a mission, Comptroller Airmen want to do our part and make Dyess AFB the best base in the world by providing credible and decisive financial empowerment, to enable joint combat superiority,” said Jesus.