56 club unites ‘middle’ tier NCOs

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Gene Lappe
  • 7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs
If you ask almost any enlisted person about the chief’s council or the Top Three, chances are they will know what you are talking about and have some idea of what the group is for.

But how many people have heard of the 56 Club?

“The 56 Club is an organization made up of staff and technical sergeants and individuals with a line number for staff sergeant,” said Tech. Sgt. Chris Ellis, 56 Club vice president. “The club performs a variety of volunteer activities that benefit the base and the local community.

“The purpose for the 56 Club is to unite the members of the middle leadership tier,” he said. “This fosters teamwork and professional development by sharing the enlisted heritage and continuing the profession of arms.”

Some of the activities the club is involved in include providing briefings at the First Term Airmen’s Center and the NCO Professional Enhancement course. The group is also volunteering to man the air castles at the welcome home party this month.

Chief Master Sergeant Paul Wheeler, 7th Bomb Wing command chief, said, “The 56 club is a very important organization that brings together the first line supervisors. These individuals serve as a link between the Airmen and the senior noncommissioned officers and set the example for the young troops.”

Chief Wheeler said he hopes to see the organization grow since its membership is made up of individuals from one of the largest sections of the base populace. He added that the organization is a great opportunity for NCOs to get to know one another and to begin “networking.”

“The organization is a voice for all enlisted members and is a heartbeat for the mid-level supervisors,” said Staff Sgt. Melida Sierra, 56 Club president. “We need your support and participation to make this club a success and make it a vital part of Dyess Air Force Base.”

The 56 Club meets the first Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Bomb Shelter. This date is subject to change to accommodate holidays and special events.